Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lil bit of happiness!

So we live on what most people call a little farm! We have a garden, chickens, goats, donkeys, horses, and more! We live on a hill of 2 1/2 acres! Althought it isn't quite as big as others, it makes us happy!
And somtimes, there are things that we find, and take the time to understand the beauty and wonder of it all, even if its the simplest things! Like comming across a litter of baby bunnies, or field mise running althrough the hay!

Thats actually quite funny! One day, I was out doing the chores of the day, unloading the hay, cleaning, mucking, feeding, ya kno that usual! I was all up in the hay just doing stuff! When I was all finished, I checked the coop for eggs, grabbed the milk, and headed inside! About half way to the house, I felt a little stick type thing in the leg of my pants. I just thought to myself "oh, its just hay" cuz that happenes ALL the TIME! So I just went on doing my thing! About half way through filtering the milk, I felt somthing moving in my pocket! So I calmly walked to the bathroom, as this THING is moving around in my pants! I get there, took off my pants, and out drops a field MICE!
I just started laughing! It was great... and the rest of the family thought so too! :)

So, as embarassing as that is, to find a mouse in your PANTS... little things like that make my day!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh you are so funny! hahaha i would have freaked out but that is adorable <3


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